Archive for 2013/01

Getting Old

There’s no manual. You can sign up for Jenny Craig, you can go to the gym. You can read TMZ. But you’re still old on the inside. I just can’t get into “Girls.” Then I realized, I’m too old. I’m not lost in my twenties, looking for love, a career and stability. I’ve found who […]

More Winners and Losers

They’re gonna wipe out college! Well, everything but the elite universities. Courses are gonna be online, you’re going to be able to learn from the best professors on the planet. So, unless you’re a star, you’re HISTORY! How did this happen? Let’s see… College has been a rip-off for eons. Overpriced, with lame courses all […]

Rhinofy-Tower Of Power

Back in the dark ages of the seventies, when I lived in Vermont and there was one snowy television station and no FM radio other than the low power college station, I was clued in to what to listen to by two things…the press, mostly “Rolling Stone,” but “Fusion” and “Crawdaddy” too, and the Warner/Reprise […]

Winners and Losers

Otherwise known as the haves and the have-nots. You get to choose. If you’re riding through life willy-nilly, thinking everything will work out fine, you’re delusional. Now, more than ever, there’s a dividing line. You’re  up here…or you’re down there. And don’t expect the mainstream media and your friends and teachers to tell you. Kind […]