Archive for 2013/01

Martin Elbourne On HMV

From: Martin Elbourne Subject: HMV Date: January 14, 2013 1:29:47 PM PST UK last chain. In administration in morning. Just come up on BBC. Virgin France went under last week. Apparently Fnac about to as well. Big hit for the labels. Martin   From: Martin Elbourne Sent: Wednesday, 16 January 2013 12:19 AM For those […]


Is everything. It’s more important than reality. Steve Jobs knew that, that’s the essence of his vaunted reality distortion field. You watched his dog and pony show and believed not only was Apple superior, it truly had no competitors. But now the press is beating up Apple and the company is silent. Steve Jobs was […]


Buy YouTube ads. Once upon a time, YouTube was a free-for-all. Not only were copyrights infringed willy-nilly, there was no revenue model. Boy have times changed. Rightsholders realize it’s better to get paid on unauthorized videos and money comes in from…ads. I hate ’em. Everybody does. Talk to Greg Sandoval, who left CNET after being […]

The Upsell

I’m afraid to go to the car dealership. I believe in maintaining my automobile. After all, it’s a lethal weapon, and I’m haunted by the seventies, when car trouble was still rampant. That used to be a regular excuse…”I can’t come, my car won’t start.” Heard that this century? Not me. It took autos longer […]