Archive for 2012/08

The Raccoon

“Do you have a portable radio?” Although Bill Murray was featured on SNL, he truly became part of the public consciousness as Carl Spackler, obsessed with killing gophers in “Caddyshack.” We didn’t have gophers in Connecticut. We’ve got mosquitoes and the occasional deer, no real bears, but we don’t have varmints. If they ever existed […]

Woman Of Heart And Mind

Taylor Swift is dating Conor Kennedy. And I don’t give a shit, but he’s eighteen. Wasn’t she the one complaining that John Mayer was taking advantage of her? Yes, Mayer was much older, and Conor’s a Kennedy, but would you like your barely eighteen year old college freshman daughter dating an almost twenty three year […]


I have a friend who killed himself. And not long before he did the deed, he told me he “married well.” I know, I know, that seems like a non sequitur. Kind of like turning on your computer and finding out Tony Scott jumped off a bridge. What did Joni Mitchell sing, “We all live […]

Rhinofy-The Animals

I was working for a crook movie producer and we’d started a record label and through the attorney du jour, they kept on changing, abandoning ship once they realized they were never going to be paid, we got a connection to Eric Burdon, and we sauntered down to the Country Club in Reseda to make […]