Archive for 2012/07

Tom Davis

A wasted life? Today people want to see cash. In the sixties and seventies, we wanted to see God. And one way to do this was through drugs. Now I’m not going to lionize illegal substances. Hell, I was never much of a partaker. But although drugs can be utilized to soothe one’s pain, back […]

Old Outsells New

“Old Records Are Outselling New Ones for the First Time” That’s why Lucian Grainge wants EMI. If you think he’s going to operate what’s left of the legendary label, after stripping off parts to satisfy the EU, you’ve got no sense of music history. Mergers are about contraction. Remember PolyGram? With its Polydor, A&M and […]

The Newsroom

This show is gonna change TV news. What do we know about “The Newsroom”? It’s behind a paywall playing to a limited audience and the critics hate it. But that’s irrelevant. By taking a stand, and doing it well, an individual, in this case Aaron Sorkin, can change the course of history. This is what […]

Holy Ship

My inbox is going berserk with this: Holy Ship At the risk of overloading you with a third e-mail, and I know after two sign-offs increase dramatically, I must say I know Gary Richards, I know about this cruise… And for those paying attention, and I know by the volume of e-mail I’m getting on […]