Archive for 2012/07

Peter Paterno On The Universal/EMI Divestitures

From: Peter Paterno Subject: FW: EMI Music – UPDATE To: Bob Lefsetz Ah, I so love the antitrust process.  It makes so much sense.  I especially love the part where, in their infinite wisdom, the European Antitrust Commission makes the merging companies sell off artist contracts for part of the world.  So the artist can’t […]

Is Facebook A Fad?

Zynga, Groupon and now Facebook. They’re Internet darlings, the buzz is incredible, they go public and the stock plunges. Are they one hit wonders? The Internet’s a funny place. Everybody is findable and reachable but most content goes unknown, forever sitting deep in Google unclicked upon. And then there are those pages that go monstrous […]

Larry Hoppen

Once upon a time you had to know how to sing. This was before auto-tune, before all the special effects that allow poseurs to fake it. When one’s personal goals included buying a stereo so big and powerful it could be heard by your neighbors…the next block over. I’m convinced a whole genre of music, […]

Out & About

The homeless guy wouldn’t take a quarter. I stopped for gas at the 76 station. I won’t go to the Shell across the street anymore, my credit card kept getting stolen. Yup, if you inserted it in the pump, they had a stealth program that ripped off the number such that you could not only […]