Archive for 2011/07


THE DATA SoundScan revolutionized the music business. It not only said what was sold, but where it was sold, allowing targeted marketing campaigns and tours. Spotify is SoundScan on steroids: "Without Spotify, labels know only when an album is sold. If a CD is ripped for a friend or borrowed for a party, they know […]

And he thinks he’s winning…

You’ve got to read the comments regarding Paul McGuinness’s opinion piece in the "Globe and Mail". Article here: The end of ‘free’ is sweet music for artists Comments here: Comments – The end of ‘free’ is sweet music for artists Last I checked, artists were nothing without their fans. Seems like there’s nobody on McGuinness’s […]


You’re fucked. You’ve got nowhere else to go. Netflix killed Blockbuster. The music industry should be paying close attention to the Netflix brouhaha. Every analyst says the same thing, this is about killing the DVD rental business. Imagine if the music business killed the CD? But you can only do that if you have a […]

John Mayer At Berklee

A must read: John Mayer 2011 Clinic – “Manage the Temptation to Publish Yourself”