Archive for 2010/04


KFC coming out with their new Double Down sandwich. It’s bacon and cheese wrapped inside two pieces of fried chicken. In fact, today, al Qaeda said, ‘We quit. When it comes to killing Americans, we can’t keep up with you guys.’ Do you find that funny?  I find it hilarious.  And after laughing out loud […]

Buble At Staples

If you go to a good show, when you get home you can’t fall asleep, you toss and turn all night, and when you wake up the next morning, you’re wasted. I feel like I’ve been hit by a Mack truck.  And I had my last sip of alcohol decades ago.  As for sleep, I […]

David Heinemeier Hansson at Startup School 08

I just blew half an hour watching this guy when I should be on the freeway to the Valley, to pick up Felice and go to Staples to see Michael Buble. Michael Buble? I don’t give a shit about Buble, his manager is a friend of mine.  No one is more passionate about his acts […]

Track Sales Peak

Fascinating that on a day Steve Jobs introduced iPhone 4.0, it was reported that digital track sales in the first quarter actually declined. Oh, there’s some mumbo-jumbo about SoundScan reporting periods, but even if you adjust to the old window for comparison, sales would still be down .09% instead of 1%. In other words, the […]