Archive for 2009/05

Down The Drain

I don’t know what’s happening with that Coldplay lawsuit, especially now that Cat Stevens has weighed in, but I’ve always thought Joe Satriani has had better chops than material.  That’s the plight of too many of these eighties guitar superstars, they had technique, they spent 10,000 hours practicing in their bedrooms, they just neglected to […]

Banner Peak

1 Oh I am a lonely painter I live in a box of paints "A Case Of You" I’m trying to read a new book about Joni Mitchell.  Littered with interesting facts, Michelle Mercer’s "Will You Take Me As I Am" ultimately reads like a senior thesis, all analysis and no soul.  And that’s the […]

The New, Larger Kindle

I’m thinking Apple ends up owning this sphere. I’ve seen the future of reading, and it’s the portable electronic device.  Those who say they love physical books are no different from those stating they love CDs.  Antiquarians destined for the scrapheap.  It’s just like Napster and MP3s, you don’t get it until you try it. […]

Performance Royalties

"The last time the artists united was when they all said they wanted their MTV." Andy Gould Last week, at the close of Musexpo, there was a dinner at the Gordon Ramsay restaurant in the London Hotel.  I ended up sitting with Ron Spaulding, head of Fontana distribution, Jason Flom, A&R man for the ages, […]