Archive for 2009/02

Live Nation/Ticketmaster Judiciary Hearing

I don’t advise you watch it.  Unless you want to familiarize yourself with everyone’s personality.  As for seeing government in action, when Orrin Hatch started talking about Utah and the Bowl Championship Series, I wanted my money back.  Or at least a deduction on my 1040.  If you think that the music business is a […]

Josh Freese Responds

Hi Bob! How are ya? Just wanted to drop in and say THANKS for giving my wacky little album promotion thing a thumbs up in your blog the other day. I’m glad that you appreciated the creative, fun, DIY aspect to it. I’m proud of it and got a kick out of putting it all […]

Even More Oscars

Beyonce Did I miss that memo?  That Beyonce has to be on every awards show?  This is the Oscars’ Grammy moment.  A nod of the hat to the kids…  Who, if they’re not already in bed, are busy updating their Facebook profiles. Felice tells me Hugh Jackman did Broadway.  But this is the bathroom moment.  […]

More Oscars

Steve Martin Have you noticed that he’s no longer funny?  He just says something and everybody laughs.  He was brilliant in "All Of Me".  Great in "Roxanne".  But he was curiously flat on SNL the other week, it was painful to watch, I had to turn it off. Milk This is not about first run, […]