Archive for 2009/01

David Foster Wallace

I never read "Infinite Jest".  But when anyone takes his own life, I get creeped out, I slow down and pay attention, like a rubbernecker on the freeway, who just can’t help but creep slowly and look at another’s misfortune.  A driver might say, "there but for the grace of God…", but you need a […]

iTunes Variable Pricing

And giving Wall Street institutions billions will solve the credit crisis. Getting excited about multiple price points at the iTunes Store is like being thrilled there are three price points at the gas station.  Or losing  your cookies that Coke comes in multiple-sized cups at 7-11. As for being DRM-free…  Whoopee!  As I’ve stated countless […]


I’m trying to decide why music is so irrelevant. In "Outliers", Malcolm Gladwell talks about timing being a key element of success.  It wasn’t enough to be a Jewish lawyer in Manhattan, Joseph Flom was successful because his practice coincided with the phenomenon of hostile takeovers. I’ll give you a personal example.  My father owned […]