Archive for 2008/11

Saturation Publicity

If I see one more article about Malcolm Gladwell and his book "Outliers" I’m not gonna buy it. I know, seems like a 180, but that’s the risk you take when you promote your band, beating the target audience over the head to such a degree that fans abandon you, worse, say negative shit about […]

Luck’s In

I became a rabid Stevie Winwood fan when I heard the North Atlantic Invasion Force play "Somebody Help Me" at Sacred Heart University. The headliner was Vanilla Fudge.  In the middle, they had a comedian, the Hippy Dippy Weatherman known as George Carlin. But what made the biggest impression upon me was this song.  Who […]

Sonos With iPhone/iPod Touch

Did you read that story in the "Wall Street Journal" about the iPhone/iPod Touch becoming a gaming platform? That’s Doug Morris’ mistake.  He thinks the iPod is merely a music machine.  He thinks he’s got all the leverage, when he’s losing power daily. In the seventies, the first thing you did upon moving into a […]

Appetite For Self-Destruction

Can I recommend half a book? What made "Hit Men" so great wasn’t the narrative so much as the insider information revealed.  We know the story, we want to know the backstory.  Steve Knopper has written the new "Hit Men".  The sequel to Fredric Dannen’s book.  But it only goes up to the twenty first […]