Archive for 2008/09

Genius Sidebar

Is Steve Jobs gonna die? I certainly hope not.  But all I know is his health has now overshadowed the company’s products.  And for that I blame the media. Same deal with Sarah Palin.  She’s a cute mom from the frontier, the public must love her!  Tell me how much they love her when she […]

TV Placement

If I get one more e-mail from an act telling me that their worthless music was featured in some lame TV show I’m gonna puke. I don’t give a flying fuck that some hipster music supervisor with no budget featured a few seconds of your lame track.  And neither does the public. In an era […]

Online Monopolies

While Steve Jobs has been pontificating in NoCal, I’ve been reading the newspapers.  I was struck by an article in the "Wall Street Journal", saying that the Justice Department appears to be gearing up to sue Google. Do you use Google? As Dave Matthews would say, I use it everyday.  There’s just nothing as good.  […]

The VMAs

So can we all agree that MTV ruined music?  Changed it from something you hear into something you see?  From aural to visual?  From life force to entertainment? You know how you know MTV is done?  THE PAINT IS NO LONGER DRIPPING OFF THE LOGO!  The original team fought for that, it was their cheekiness, […]