Archive for 2007/12

Led Zeppelin At The O2

I’m trying to figure out why this Led Zeppelin reunion is creepy. I’m not saying it wasn’t a good time, that I wouldn’t want to have been there and experience it. But it just doesn’t sit right with me. Maybe because I don’t buy this hogwash that it’s a one-off. All my sources tell me […]

Even More “In Rainbows”

 Neil Cartwright: take a look at measurement metrics not controlled by the Majors…. hype machineelbo.wslast.fmmystrands radiohead is at the top of every single one, and this is 4 months after In Rainbows was released via a website consisting of 6 pages, and without any hype or promotion (at least, not hype paid for by the […]

More “In Rainbows”

Have you noticed how little discussion there’s been of the music? Without a doubt, the online, pay what you want, release of "In Rainbows" is the biggest music business story of the year. But the focus has been on business, not music. Have you heard the Eagles album? Unless you’re a fan, I highly doubt […]

Led Zeppelin

"Ten Years Gone" They never play it on FM radio, but diehard fans get wet just thinking about it. It’s about the dynamics, how the song goes from soft to loud and back again. Along with a descending figure that makes you nod your head like you’re on drugs, even if you’re straight. Listening, you […]