Archive for 2007/09


We’re looking for transparency and effectiveness. And he who delivers same will rule in the future. Transparency. When you deal in bits and bytes you end up with a real answer. Something the labels hate. Because they’ve profited for years by stealing. How many tracks have been downloaded? Pay me my share. And that share […]

More Rubin/Columbia

I don’t get it. If kids aren’t listening to radio and MTV plays no music and CDs are dying, what exactly does an act need a major label FOR? They want a percentage of touring revenue. But what are they giving up in return? Cash? So, you need to give up a huge chunk of […]

160 Gig iPods

What kind of crazy fucked up world do we live in where you can keep 40,000 songs IN YOUR POCKET and the labels think a reasonable price for each and every one of them is a buck, IF NOT A $1.29 IF YOU WANT THEM SANS DRM! It’s like we’re living in the twilight zone. […]

Rick Rubin/NY Times

Quoting David Geffen… That’s how you know a piece is irrelevant. Even if the old man came across as pretty wise. I mean didn’t David Geffen FAIL in the modern music business? As well as the modern FILM business? And THIS is the guy you quote? Maybe if Lynn Hirschberg had quoted the kid on […]