Archive for 2007/09


Somewhere along the line, hit music became crossed with good music. It wasn’t good unless it was on the Top Forty, unless it sold. It wasn’t like this when I grew up. Your record collection was a badge of your identity. Each record hand-picked, you could divine where someone was coming from based on perusal […]

Luke and Koop

From: LUKEDADDY Subject: I have seen the future ! It’s not "NEW" It’s fucking VAN HALEN!! I was invited to a loose rehearsal for the new tour last night. It was NOT the "fab: dress rehearsal, it was one where in a big arena they were rehearsing for the upcoming tour. Now Ed and Al […]

Music Industry Most Hated

1. TicketMaster Every day I get e-mail complaining about this helpful service. Whether it be exorbitant charges on cheap tickets or a charge for printing the tickets yourself, people are fed up. TicketMaster is awaiting its Napster moment. When the public finally gets some traction, has an alternative, TM is going to be in serious […]

E-Mail Of The Day

Re: Hits Hey Bob, I’m sorta slow keeping up with you most of the time, but reading this post a couple days later made me think about an artist that came across the IODA radar this week that I think illustrates what you are saying in this post. Check this out: Andy Mckee – Guitar […]