Archive for 2007/05


This is TicketMaster’s idea of cool?  Overcharge me for the ticket (maybe not their fault, we can blame that one on the greedy act/manager/agent), then hit me with all kinds of bogus fees and then give me ONE FREE SONG?  Whoop-de-doo! Boy has TM got an image issue.  The public hates them.  If they wanted […]

She’s As Beautiful As A Foot

Speaking of Sirius… I’ve got the world’s noisiest car.  When originally introduced, it came sans radio, to SAVE WEIGHT!  You see you didn’t want anything to impede performance.  In other words, they left the sound insulation out.  The stereo installer told me he could line the floor, where most of the noise was coming in, […]

Mossberg In The New Yorker

I just got back from Burbank.  I was moving along swimmingly until I hit Westwood.  I’m reminded of why I stay home so much.  Hell, why go anywhere when the world is right here in front of me, on my 23" HD screen?  I can fire up the Web and go anywhere, INSTANTLY!  The real […]


It’s become less about what’s actually in the grooves than whether you can market it, and if so, what is the plan? No major label is going to release a Wild Man Fischer album today.  Music used to be art.  The act made it, THEN you figured out how to sell it.  You were a […]