Archive for 2007/03


The devil is in the details.  If you doubt me, you’ve never been screwed out of royalties by a major label.  OOPS, major labels don’t PAY royalties. Which is why indies are flourishing.  They’re absent the bullshit of the old system. So why do the indies want to fuck with terrestrial radio?  Try to turn […]

DLR Not In The Building

Roth not allowed to perform at gala honoring the band This business went in the crapper when the executives started believing they were bigger than the acts, that the audience was interested in THEM, not the performers. And why be interested in the acts, they were just tools of the machine.  Picked on their looks, […]

Arcade Fire

I thought the Arcade Fire was anti-hype, a new band for a new generation.  But they appear to be the same sold-out pricks as Good Charlotte and the rest of the egotastic bands, the only difference being they’re on an INDIE label. Oh, don’t get your knickers in a twist.  Of course their music is […]


Today is my dad’s birthday.  He would have been 85 years old. Funny, when he died at 70, I thought that was a pretty good run.  Now I’m not so sure. It wasn’t marked on my calendar.  I wasn’t anticipating it.  But when I placed my watch on the counter yesterday, to time how long […]