Archive for 2007/03

Album Art

Did you upgrade to the new version of iTunes?  Version 7.1? You should.  To get full screen Cover Flow. Now I’ve got a 23" HD monitor.  But still, I’ve got to believe these covers look pretty good on your screen.  And they’re A LOT BIGGER THAN CD BOOKLETS! Enough with the laments that the vinyl […]

Why CD Sales Are Tanking

1. The iPod After you’ve got an iPod, why do you need a CD? CDs are voluminous, not only in size, but content.  They take up too much space with too much music you don’t want to hear.  Better off to cherry-pick, just put what you WANT to hear on an iPod.  Which holds the […]

McCartney To Starbucks

Does Paul not know that NOBODY cares? Nobody wants new material from a Beatle. Oh, I think it’s a good idea for him to make a deal with Starbucks.  He’ll get positioning, and a healthy cut of the proceeds, but the album will STILL stiff. It’s been so long since Paul McCartney has put out […]

Patti Smith In The New York Times

Tell me, do you think this is good? Ain’t It Strange? By Patti Smith I have no doubt that David Lee Roth would be able to say something that TRULY captures the spirit of rock and roll.  But, he’s not part of the intelligentsia, he’s not CONNECTED! Never forget that Judith Miller worked for the […]