Archive for 2006/12


The Firing of Tom Freston One thing never changes.  Those who pull the strings, those behind the scenes, those who make all the money…they want to be in FRONT of the camera, they want the adulation, the props, the LOVE! David Geffen was one of the most powerful men in Hollywood until he agreed to […]

This Week’s Sales

1. Incubus "Light Grenades" Sales this week: 164,594Debut Who the fuck cares. Or, in other words, this grenade didn’t generate a lot of light.  Nor heat.  The band’s PREVIOUS album, "A Crow Left Of The Murder", released in 2004, landed with DOUBLE the impact, selling 332,000 copies in its first week and debuting at number […]

So Tired

Radio is still king.  What we want is an outlet that’s ALIVE, that’s programmed by PEOPLE, to turn us on to great music. I love everything on my iPod, but I don’t want to listen to it in my car.  Because it provides no SURPRISES! But delving deeper into the radio realm, one must dismiss […]

The Grammys

It doesn’t matter who’s nominated, nobody’s paying attention. The Grammys were a laughable experience so unhip as to be off the radar until Mike Greene became head of NARAS.  This exec with the passion and ego of an artist single-handedly revved up the organization and its TV show until it MATTERED!  Those in charge now […]