Archive for 2006/03


There was a curious note on the front page of the "L.A. Times" Business section at the end of last week.  They were dropping stock tables from the paper. It never made sense to me as a kid.  All those pages wasted with information that held no interest for me. And then, as I grew […]

The New Cars

Can’t somebody sue somebody?  Maybe audience members?  Like those "American Idol" fans wanting their money back from Clay Aiken for being gay? "Good Times Roll" is one of the best album-openers of all time.  Better than the tracks opening most Stones albums, and they perfected the paradigm.  First it sounded a bit off, but then […]

Broadband Penetration

You’ve got to read this article: Broadband Penetration IncreaseBottom line, 68% of Web-users now connect via broadband. Somehow, the record labels think it’s all about iPods.  That the revolution won’t be complete until everybody has a hand-held music device, if ever.  But the iPod is the explosion.  The revolution comes with broadband penetration. Broadband jump-started […]

Lisa Lampanelli

I had to turn on "Letterman" to see Howard rake Les Moonves over the coals. Actually, playing the straight man, Letterman had the funnier material.  Saying that Les had done fine by him.  Still, we root for Howard.  It’s the fact that deep down inside he hates himself.  A personal viewpoint that not only Jews […]