Archive for 2006/03

South Park & Cruise

Give Rupert Murdoch credit.  He’s savvier than Tom Freston and the whole lot of them over at Paramount.  And Tom Cruise too. Rupert knows it’s a new era.  That old media is in trouble.  That’s why he purchased myspace.  He’s making a play for the future, just like he got into satellite TV years back. […]

Benny On KLSX

Yup, this Sunday night on my KLSX show, from 9-11, I’m going to feature Benny Mardones, who’s going to delineate his journey from average American to hit star to the depths of drug addiction and back again. Along with Benny I’ll have the director of his documentary, Greg Ross, and the man who broke him […]

All These Impermanent Things

Last night I watched this Peter Himmelman documentary.  It was awful. Well, it wasn’t THAT bad, but for all the professionalism, for all the perfect sound, the filmmakers forgot one key movie element…STORY!  Without it you’ve got a film, a series of connected segments, but you don’t have a movie.  A movie brings you into […]

Bode Madness

I don’t know about you, but I completely ignored the Olympics.  Actually, turns out most of you skipped them too.  What with the anemic ratings.  Actually, a bigger story than anybody winning a medal was what a loser that Bode Miller was.  A partying jerk who couldn’t play by the rules of American society when […]