Archive for 2005/06

Sunny Day-1

Do you know there’s a war in Iraq?  And that seemingly every day insurgent suicide bombers kill civilians?  Might seem obvious to you, but I’m not sure the average American is in touch with this fact.  You see, his news outlets just don’t TELL HIM! My Safari homepage is the Yahoo News.  That’s where I’m […]

Behind Blue Eyes

It’s almost impossible to find a CD in my house. Driving down Chautauqua just shy of midnight, down from Will Rogers, where I’d gone hiking to clear my mind, we spoke on the phone.  As I cruised up PCH, back towards Santa Monica, the conversation elated me, everything was right in the world. After stopping […]

The Mars Volta

While you’re counting Coldplay CDs, made by a guy married to a movie star with a daughter with the moniker of a fruit, while Eminem is tanking in the live marketplace, while the media is fixated on a mutilated, aged pop star, you’re missing the biggest music story of the year, the Mars Volta. By […]

Hits Sales Chart-6/13/05

1. Coldplay "X& Y"CapitolSales this week: 740,331Debut Enough with the circle jerk.  This is what’s WRONG with the music business today.  When cocktail music made for people whose hormones are no longer raging is trumpeted as quality reincarnate.  There’s nothing wrong with Coldplay, hell, I can even tolerate Chris Martin’s whining…it’s just that there’s not […]