Archive for 2016/03

Pop Music

It’s a producer’s medium. Howard’s on vacation and I’ve been sampling the Pulse on Sirius XM and what stuns me is how the songs all sound alike. They’re peppered with a zillion hooks and the voices are interchangeable. Welcome to 2016. Wherein the youngsters get it and the oldsters are scratching their heads. Whilst the […]

Todd Rundgren On WTF

WTF Podcast Episode 691 – Todd Rundgren He calls Andy Partridge a prick. You must listen to this podcast, you will find out more about record production than any seminar will teach you. Rundgren is surprisingly erudite and articulate and unlike everybody else in this insider business, especially those in the studio, he’s willing to […]

Rainbow Ends

Rainbow Ends – Spotify Rainbow Ends – YouTube This is the music Brian Wilson is trying to make but cannot. In an infinite universe that which is not overhyped, that which is not on the pop chart, makes at most a drop in the ocean and then disappears. But the truth is Emitt Rhodes’s new […]

Where We Are Now

Do you feel left out? Do you feel like you’re working hard but getting nowhere, treading water in the game of life? Do you think the government is telling you how to live whilst providing little in return? Then you might be supporting Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders. The owners of this country just don’t […]