
Bob – You’re 100% on Laura Nyro.

She demands something of the listener; respectful attention to who she is and appreciation for her integrity and risks she takes without thinking about how it may look to others.  Nothing about Laura is "off the rack!" Artists who are totally in their own skins are rare indeed but that is why we turn to them when our own souls need nourishment.

Jac Holzman


Loved your thoughts on patriotism.  Does seem like we are becoming a country mired in our own self preservation,  when the reality is the only thing that divides us these days is what we choose to believe and the depth of our faith that sustains what we choose to believe.

I was really inspired by this video that my friend Greg Scholl just sent me.  I think you’ll dig it.

Emmanuel Jal – We Want Peace Official Music Video feat Alicia Keys, George Clooney, Peter Gabriel

Emmanuel Jal, a rapper who is a Sudanese war child turned activist.  Cool fellow.    I love the idea of education as a preference to war.   I love the idea of Peace on Earth, good will towards all men.

Happy Holidays and good skiing to you,
big kenny
Big and Rich

From: Don Was

hi bob…hope all is well. just wrote an piece for the detroit metro times about how iTunes needs to start listing album credits, liner notes and lyrics, etc…..i’d love to pursue it and would value your opinion regarding whether or not this is a worthwhile battle to wage and, if so, how to proceed….here’s a link to the piece:

Don Was on iTunes and the death of liner notes

wishing you a groovy holiday! dw

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