The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
Because the networks and the cable outlets are afraid of being sued by Trump.
The real reason the politicians wanted to get rid of TikTok is because they didn’t want you to have a voice. They wanted to quash public discourse. They wanted to continue the twentieth century top down paradigm which has been eviscerated by the internet.
But the revolution is happening. And it’s happening on TikTok. Because that’s where you see the stories in the news come alive. Most specifically, the town halls.
Accountability. While President Musk asks government workers to justify their jobs, to prove they’re working hard, congresspeople have been slacking. The only problem is, unlike Musk, congresspeople are accountable to the public.
And the public has had enough.
Oh, let’s not relitigate the last election. Trump won fair and square. Because Biden kept saying he was competent when he wasn’t…notice we haven’t heard a peep from him since he stepped down…and Kamala Harris was anointed the candidate and evidenced the inauthenticity that killed her presidential campaign in 2020.
So, the people voted for Trump. But that does not mean they believe in Trump.
And now they feel they’ve been sold a bill of goods.
The Democrats may evaporate, like the Whigs, we may need a whole new party. They’re living in the last century. The Republicans have been fighting for decades, bullying the Democrats, spouting falsehoods and like teachers’ pets the Democrats have remained silent, for fear of getting in trouble, losing points on their grade. And now the backlash is getting bigger.
So, you’ve got the Pritzker speech. Man, at least he spoke English. And if you don’t know what I’m talking about, just scroll TikTok for a while and it will come up.
And the press has anointed Chris Murphy of Connecticut as the attack dog for the left.
But the real action is taking place at the grass roots level. If you’re on TikTok you’re inundated with videos of town halls wherein citizens ask straightforward questions and the Republican officials…
It’s hilarious, you’ve got to watch. Do you support Russia or Ukraine? Who started the war? And the response is…IT’S COMPLICATED!
But no, it’s not. And the people know this.
In one state after another you’ve got informed citizens asking elected officials why they’re doing nothing, sitting on their hands, as Trump rapes and pillages.
Sure there is a minority who still believe in him. But even Kid Rock said he’d have trouble if Trump ran for a third term, which the Donald keeps talking about.
What you’ve got mainly is the bros on TikTok, the outcast males who bit back. They’re the driver of the right wing tsunami. But the problem is much of what Musk says is untrue and he even has his minions attacking a blind person. So the scope and influence of X keeps declining. It’s an echo chamber even worse than Fox News.
So who are the people still on the Trump bus?
Well, you’ve got to know that many of them hate liberals more than they love Trump. And now that the liberals are inactive, out of power and somnambulant, there is no enemy and they’re confronted with Trump’s actions. And the fallout is just beginning. All the services people count on…they’re going to find out they’re not there.
And since the Democrats are asleep, Bernie Sanders is doing their bidding. Then again, the Dems are in bed with the oligarchs and Sanders never was. Sanders invented the paradigm of the small donation.
We’ve been screwed for decades. The biggest problem in America is income inequality. And the politicians have been partaking from the trough, both right and left, but you and me know…
We can’t trust the “Washington Post” because they refused to run an anti-Trump ad after they said they would. You can undercut your credibility with one action. Bezos, et al, are so busy sucking up to Trump that they’ve lost track of the fact that their businesses depend on purchases by the public.
You’ve probably seen that economic blackout memo that’s going around.
It’s on Facebook, where the old people are, still boasting via vacation pictures and missing the memo that they’re out of touch. They should all jump to TikTok and Instagram Reels immediately. But they’re afraid. Yes, old people are afraid of change, it’s documented.
So we rely on the young ‘uns to foment change.
As for boycotts…
The problem with the Facebook echo chamber, the left wing echo chamber, is these people are completely out of touch with society today.
You don’t boycott Amazon. Nor a specific social media outlet. When the right boycotted Bud Light, there were a bunch of alternative beers.
Want to boycott?
Start with Chevron or some other gas company. You don’t need to buy your gas at Chevron.
Or CVS or Walgreens. They don’t have a monopoly, you can go to another outlet.
You don’t boycott monopolies, never ever, it doesn’t work.
Now the details of the boycott spreading on Facebook tell us these efforts will only last one day, and that’s okay, then again, if I don’t order from Amazon today, I can order from the company tomorrow.
You need to make people HURT!
Just like Trump is making people hurt.
And since the Supreme Court said corporations are people… These are the duplicitous people we need to hurt.
Once again, this is no longer a left versus right battle. It’s an us versus them battle. And we are the people, and they are Trump and Musk and everybody pledging fealty to them.
As Bernie Sanders said… Two hundred fifty years ago the colonies stood up to big bad England and triumphed.
So if you’re on TikTok you’re also seeing the video of James Carville on Hannity. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel. The right wing positions are so lame.
Sure, we want government to be more efficient. But we don’t want to throw the baby out with the bathwater!
And Musk is lying as much as Trump. Every major media outlet has said the $55 billion he claims to have already saved is fallacious.
Every day I wake up, look at my phone and am horrified. It’s hard to function. The analogies to Nazi Germany are true, things can change on a dime, in an instant, that’s what the past few weeks have taught us.
But I thought if autocracy was imminent, the public would rise up, but for over a month people have been asleep, seemingly going on about their business as the right lionizes people like Orban in Hungary.
You see there’s so much news that people are better informed than ever before, this is what the internet has wrought.
Of course, of course, there’s a ton of misinformation out there. Spewed by Fox News and right wing sites the left hasn’t even heard of.
But the puck keeps moving. Talk radio, yesterday’s news. As is print. Everything is about video now. The left wanted stories on the “Times,” Trump went on Joe Rogan, podcasts were king.
But the game has already moved on. Podcasts are entertainment. Social media video, primarily on TikTok, is directly from the proletariat to the proletariat, with no middle man/woman. And that’s its power.
Rogan? Theo Von? Shawn Ryan? They’re still powerful, but they’re not where the battle is being fought. The battle is being fought on TikTok, where the public is mixing it up.
And strangely unified in the belief that Trump and Musk are out of control and screwing things up. And because of the algorithm… The echo chamber of yore is not as prevalent. You don’t get to choose your videos. You’re gonna see stuff you wouldn’t pull, but it’s being pushed to you.
I’m suddenly optimistic. Because unlike the politicians, the public has woken up.
And let’s be very clear, most of the public is on the same page. They want to live safely and get their Medicaid/Medicare and Social Security. Just over half the voters were burned out on Biden/Harris, but don’t think they wanted the American way of life undercut. Which is what is happening.
Now the truth is no one can predict the future. But one thing we’ve learned, even in this century, is one person can make a difference. One overeducated fruit vendor started the Arab Spring. And we’re on the verge of the same thing happening here. Because both the left and the right, the Democrats and Republicans, have lost touch with the people and the people have no choice but to take matters into their own hands, WHICH THEY ARE DOING!
The smartphone is your friend. It’s how you connect with others. TikTok is the heartbeat of the world, if you’re not on it you’re out of touch. Sure, you can waste time on it, but chances are you’ll learn more about what’s going on than reading a newspaper or watching cable news.
And TikTok is back in the app stores of both Apple and Google.
Don’t be afraid. Don’t be left out. This is the battle of your lifetime. You have more power now than ever before. This is the time to join the campaign, to get your hands dirty.
And this is about America, this is about freedom. Musk talks all about freedom, but keeps naysayers off his platform. Meanwhile, X is so lean that it can’t control the platform.
Musk may be rich, but he’s just a person. More flawed than many.
This is a movement. Forget trying to convince those who don’t believe, most of them will come around, if they haven’t already. Join the fray, join the charge…