Yeah, THIS is intriguing. Let me get my copy protected song for 99 cents
from some peon in New Jersey or Wyoming rather than instantly downloading a
pristine version from the iTunes Music Store.
It’s the PRICE stupid. It’s not the DELIVERY system! I mean I’ll get it
FASTER from the iTunes Music Store but I’d rather wait a few minutes to get it
The disinformation campaign is DEAFENING! Mashboxx resembles P2P
like…well, to tell you the truth, I can’t come up with an analogy. Where ELSE
can you endlessly duplicate a product at no cost and distribute in such a way that
infrastructure/transfer costs are borne by EVERYBODY on the network rather than
the seller? It’s the EFFICIENCY of P2P that’s attractive, not the NAME!
Mashboxx is P2P in name only. It has NONE of the salient features of P2P as
we now know it. It DOES NOT enable the free exchange of information. It DOES
NOT represent a new business model. It’s kind of like calling chicken shit
chicken salad. There, THAT’S your analogy for you.
Snocap enables one to tag files so they can then be tracked. In OTHER WORDS,
you can track the trading of all files via P2P networks. SO, if you created
a pool of money, you could divvy it up, a la ASCAP and BMI, but with
statistically accurate data, giving the most money to the copyright holders of the most downloaded songs, and the least to the song traded once or twice. And, you
create this pool by licensing individual file-traders (their incentive is to
avoid being sued, this works, how many people don’t speed for fear of getting
stopped, or get driving licenses for fear of being stopped and not HAVING ONE?)
or charging a fee at the ISP level to owners of all accounts. Is this BRAIN
SURGERY? No, this is the kind of logic a second grader can understand. So,
why can’t the major labels??
If only the Grokster decision killed P2P. Not only has it not killed P2P in
THIS country, companies OUTSIDE U.S. jurisdiction operate scot free! AND,
since the Internet knows no borders, the U.S. citizenry trades away and the
labels continue to get ripped off. The question arises NOT how to penetrate and
stop these so-called rogue networks, but how to CHARGE for the trading that is
enabled by them.
Well, you can’t log on without an account. Whether it be at home, at work or
at school. So, if you put the toll there…
It’s kind of like putting the toll at the end of someone’s driveway rather
than on a highway in another country. If they want to drive, they’ve got to pay.
Where I come from, scumbags are scumbags. The fact that the major labels
allow Wayne Rosso to go from zero to hero just that fast shows that they’re
lacking the same integrity he is.
I really don’t get why the artists don’t protest. Don’t insist that the
labels enter the twenty first century instead of constantly standing up and
defending their twentieth century business practices.
Oh, I know why. The same reason racism and homophobia and anti-semitism
still exist. IGNORANCE!
We’ve got the slaves harvesting the crops… No slaves, no food. You don’t
want that to happen, do you? The Bible says homosexuality is bad, IT MUST BE
TRUE! (Assuming the Bible actually even SAYS this.) Jews have HORNS, we’ve
got to KILL THEM before they steal all our MONEY! Oh, you’ve never met a Jew?
Never seen one with horns before?
ANYBODY with ANY expertise in technology will tell you that P2P can’t be
stopped in short order. Oh, so the SUPREME COURT rendered a decision. But, it
didn’t ban P2P and I ask you…smoking dope is illegal, do you find it
impossible to buy MARIJUANA??
I want no more bullying from Andy Lack.
I want no more misinformation from that man.
If he’d only concentrate on signing acts people cared about instead of
locking up his company’s wares in a fortress THEN I’d pay him some respect. But,
the fact that this man who’s barely been in the business is quoted as an
expert/seer constantly makes me PUKE!
From now on, will they PLEASE quote a seventeen year old every time Mr. Lack
opens his mouth, so the TRUTH will out??