Mitch Freezes Again

This is why we can’t have octogenarians, never mind nonagenarians, running the country.

But oh yeah, you can’t say that. It’s elder abuse. Why is it everybody in America feels entitled to play at a professional level in every endeavor they choose for their entire life? If you’re five foot two, you can’t play in the NBA. And if you’re fifty you can’t win the sprint. But you should be able to govern for the rest of your life?

Come on, been driving with any of these people? That’s the hardest thing to do with the aged, take away their license. And you’d be surprised how many baby boomers don’t like to drive at night, because of the decline of their vision. But no, we need to let the nearly dead run the country!

I want you to name the eighty year old tech experts. I’m waiting. Even the seventy year olds. You know, pushing the envelope, pegging the needle. I’m sure we can shake the bushes and come up with a few, but most aged people are not that tech-savvy, never mind being in the business and changing the world. But I can’t say that either, people hate to be labeled! Just because you have an iPhone that does not make you a power user. Quick, do you know when you turn on Do Not Disturb on your Mac it silences your iPhone too? You’d be stunned how much power these devices have, and the younger generations that grew up with them are more familiar, it’s more instinctive. Furthermore, they didn’t grow up in the era where the first iteration always sucked. Now you expect your brand new product to work right out of the box, whereas you used to turn it on and pray.

Meaning I hate when the government gets into tech. Because the elected officials don’t understand it. But if they were younger… Tech drives the world, and all we’re told by our oldsters is to get off our devices. But now even cars are computers.

Athletes retire, but not elected officials. Like they have a special sauce running through their veins. If you know any ninety year olds, you don’t want them running the country. Sure, there are exceptions, but they’re rare, assuming people even live that long. That’s another thing, everybody expects to live to a hundred. Hate to burst your bubble, the odds are low, better start living like every day is your last, or at least every year.

This is kind of like 1/6, we see it with our very eyes and we’re told it’s not true. Yes, 1/6 was a beautiful picnic according to Donald Trump and his acolytes, you’d think they were eating pizza and playing cornhole. If someone froze like McConnell, you’d immediately take them off the field. You don’t want them working, you don’t want them screwing up. But McConnell freezes and we’re told that he’s fine. But even worse, now he’s frozen twice!

There’s nothing to see here. Right…

And let’s not make it a right or left thing, Republican or Democrat, Dianne Feinstein has to go too. When she praised Lindsey Graham for his handling of the Barrett hearings, it showed me she’d already lost her marbles, and that was years ago at this point. But no, she stays.

They’re making a mockery of the institution. The Supreme Court is a joke. And now Congress too. And it’s not only McConnell, but the Freedom Caucus, which they should call the Fredo Caucus. I don’t care who elected these people, most Americans can see they’re nincompoops. If this is who they’re electing, leave me out.

Which brings us to the big kahuna, the big show, the presidential election…

Both Biden and Trump shouldn’t run. Period. They’re not familiar with modern society. Sure, Biden may know how the wheels turn, and Trump was president for four years, but if I want to know which way the wind blows I wouldn’t call either of them.

We’re continually writing off our youth. There’s no climate change, but it’s the youngsters who are going to pay the price. Ditto on the debt. We keep pushing everything down the line to people who get no representation. I mean why vote, you’re ignored anyway. That’s what many youngsters think, they’ve tuned out.

They have referees in sport. And they even have a concussion protocol in the NFL. But nothing like this exists in government. Where is the ombudsman who takes you out of the game and retires your jersey?

Oh, don’t tell me that Biden beat Trump once. Don’t even tell me he’s done a good job. Someone younger and in touch needs to be in charge. And I don’t want to contemplate Biden dying and Kamala replacing him. She turned me off during the 2020 debates and nothing she’s done since has demonstrated that she’s credibly in touch with and on the side of me and the rest of the people. Oh, don’t get your knickers in a twist. But the reality is if you’re voting for Biden you’re considering the VP more than ever in history.

As for Trump… One thing is for sure, he’s not getting smarter. Not reading books, informing himself. He’s not auditing classes at the university, not attending symposia on crime, he’s just blowing smoke. I want someone young, with experience with today’s issues.

But I am not heard. That’s what it’s like being a citizen of the U.S. these days. You’re not heard. You make no difference. They implore you to vote every few years, otherwise they ignore you. It’s a big club and you’re not in it and they don’t have your best interests at heart. It’s all bloviation, triangulation. The climate deniers on the Republican debate stage… Hell, if Trump was in office and a hurricane did damage in California you know he’d be tight with the purse strings. And we can have open carry and deny Black history and we should be surprised when someone who drinks the kool-aid kills three people in Jacksonville?

Where’s the common sense. And some of the left wing stuff is crap. Trigger warning? Your whole life needs a warning, get with the program, buck up and survive.

I mean this stuff is obvious to the vast majority, but not in government, not at all. What a crazy country. We saw 1/6 on television, on television!, but we’re told not to believe our eyes. I mean come on.

And let’s be clear. Nothing I write here will make any difference. Won’t change any minds. I just want you to know that you are not alone, that there are people who feel like you. As for hope? You’re on your own with that.

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