
It is so damn hot here in L.A.

I get it, all you people bitching about your east coast winter, how it kept snowing and was always cold.

I’m living on the other side of the country, with the flip side of the equation. In Santa Monica where you’ve got no air conditioning because you don’t need it. Supposedly.

How many times have I seen it this hot in SaMo? In my life, only a couple. In May…NEVER!

Makes you believe in global warming.

But we can’t, because it’s going to impact business and the loonies are all going to heaven in the rapture and I live in a country I don’t recognize.

Yes, I was just at Whole Foods, in Brentwood. Where twentysomethings were flashing diamonds as they pushed around their infants. Where did they get all this money? Did they inherit it? Did they marry into it?

As for all the Ivy League graduates going into finance, you would too. If, like them, you were smart. Because they see the future, and it’s limited for those who are not winners.

But everybody who’s poor believes they’re going to be a winner, so they don’t want to tax the rich because they’re going to be rich soon too.

What a bunch of hogwash.

I grew up in a different era. Yes, I’m old, put me down for it, as readers constantly do, but unlike you I’m wise and experienced. And when I grew up hard work and insight and innovation would not only get you a house in a reasonable neighborhood, but the ability to support your family and go on vacation. Now, most people can’t even pay their bills. You want us to wait on you hand and foot in Manhattan, but where are we supposed to live? Idaho? And commute?

In the back of the plane with no food and a constant fight to get your luggage up in the rack. They say they want to carry their bags on so they don’t have to wait, so they won’t get lost, but the truth is everybody’s damn cheap. Because they’re trying to make ends meet.

And anybody who stops and says “What the hell is going on here?” is a chump. No one wants to be led back, everybody wants to go forward.

So the rich and educated buy insurance. Putting the money they already have in hedge funds where the proprietors are taxed at capital gains rates while you and me pay through the nose. If they’ve got to work, they get jobs most people can’t even understand. The rest of us try to get on reality TV, or develop apps, or get on TV singing shows.

Did you see they were dying?

Because people would rather watch “Shark Tank.” That’s the American dream, coming up with something to strike it rich.

But not everybody wants to play the odds, some people just want to live comfortably. But unions are anathema and the left wing says to bring manufacturing back but isn’t about to give up $200 flat screens.

So we’ve got a wealth of disinformation and where does this leave me?

Like John Lennon said, the dream is over. Face it. We’re all chumps. Except for the few winners.

Do I expect it to go on forever?

No, the Fox News audience is aging out. The rich have become embattled, that’s why they hide behind walls.

And the poor are uneducated and uninformed.

But everybody’s pissed that they can’t get an abortion, health care, welfare, that there’s no safety net.

Of course there is one, but it’s not extensive like it used to be, they’re pulling the rug out from under you. How am I supposed to pick myself up by my bootstraps if there’s no OPPORTUNITY?

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