Things I Hate

1. Unsolicited E-Mail

I’m not talking about spam, offers for imitation Viagra, but those bullshit e-mails from wannabe musicians imploring me to listen to their music and spread the word.

I ain’t got the time and it’s not my job.

We live in a pull economy. We find stuff we like and then we spread the word. Go back to your hole and do something great and let me find out about it organically, which I never will, because it’s a hell of a lot harder to write great music than to find my address and send me an e-mail.

2. Arianna Huffington And Her Huffington Post

Shut the fuck up.

You were a Republican and then you were a Democrat and now you’re a classic American, only in it for the money. Your site is a worthless collection of headlines imploring us to click on non-stories. Once upon a time you had a chance to impact the debate, by being a clearinghouse for left wing news. Now you’re just a rallying point for yourself. I wish they’d put a gag on you and get you to stop talking because what you say is only about yourself and is not worth listening to.

3. The L.A. Times

What’s end game here? Put us all in a time machine and jet us back to the pre-Internet era? You’re horrible at national and international news and even the L.A. Weekly does a better job of covering entertainment, never mind websites like Nikki Finke’s and

You can’t survive if you don’t have a plan.

And you don’t.

4. People Who Think Twitter Is About Promotion

It’s about INFORMATION! It’s an up to the minute news service. Stop trying to sell me shit.

5. Websites That Don’t Work

Verizon Wireless sent me an e-mail regarding perks, it’s just that it’s impossible to redeem them. You sign in and then you can no longer access them. I called tech support and they were clueless. So you wasted my time, which I’ve got precious little of, refer to number 1 above.

6. Ryan Seacrest

You’re a perfect emblem of network television. Bland and playing to everyone. People who think you’re a star have never used the Internet. Where having a personality and an edge is key to success.

7. The New York Times

Because you do such a shitty job of making people aware of what you do. You’ve got video stories better than most news organizations but you don’t let anybody know and keep complaining that no one’s buying your newspaper. Didn’t Steve Jobs teach you that the Internet era is all about dominance? Stop fighting with one hand behind your back. Stop making your home page look like a newspaper. Start becoming the site for all news. Huffington Post’s got the look but no content. You’ve got the content but no look.

8. Music Executives

Akin to Putin. Full of b.s. and even less accessible. Today Rupert Murdoch started to tweet. Which is why News Corp. is worth more than any record label or Live Nation. You can’t understand the future unless you dip your toe. And business is now a two-way conversation.

You don’t have to be nice, just accessible.

See Rusty Gregory’s response on the Mammoth Mountain boards (he’s CEO): (scroll to "rusty"’s post at 6:14 PM at the bottom of the page)

9. Movie Studios

Let’s just close ’em down and hand all the money to pay cable, where the real movies are made. People have stopped going because there’s no innovation. It’s all about image instead of effects. People don’t need to leave the house that badly.

10. The Mainstream Media

So Sarah Palin’s name disappears once she says she’s not gonna run? I guess she wasn’t that important in the first place. Then we had to follow the shenanigans of Bachmann and Perry. Not everything’s a horse race. You’re going for ratings, not news, you’re doing our country a disservice.

11. President Obama

Because he refuses to lead. If he were the quarterback of a football team he’d ask the defense if they approved of his plays. Meanwhile, despite gaining a bit of a backbone recently it’s still all about winning. You can whine all day about Congress or take your story to the public and change the debate. But that would involve risk, and you’re risk averse.

12. The Tea Party

It’s about racism and greed.

13. Music Radio

As soulless as the electronic signal that beams the programming. Talk about a group of people kissing ass. That’s what I want, programming created for nonexistent people interrupted by twenty plus minutes of commercials. This is like covered wagons competing with airplanes by selling commercial space on their fabric and convincing the horse traders and the general store merchants that they matter.

14. Fees

Just tell me the price. Did you see Southwest is fighting all-in pricing on airline tickets? This subterfuge benefits who, other than stockholders? Our whole country is beholden to mythical stockholders who seem to think money can keep you warm at night, suck your dick, make you happy…but it can’t. Why do the rest of us have to suffer?

15. Football

Because it maims people. It’s demolition derby, just involving bodies instead of cars. But it’s the American way, so it can’t be changed. There’s too much money involved. But if gays can get married can’t we ban football? Think about it. Is it really any different from throwing Romans to the lions? If you don’t die of dementia, you can barely walk.

16. Bad Food At The Gig

We live in a foodie nation, but you can only buy a sawdust hot dog and overpriced beer at the gig. Even baseball has figured out that gourmet sells. But music functions in a backwater based on bickering that takes no account of the fan while the factions argue over the spoils. You could grow the business if you just raised your head from your checkbook and took a look around.

17. Finance

I thought it was about funding business as opposed to solely making money for the perpetrators. The fact that these people are revered is a sad commentary on our society. We keep trying to fire underperforming teachers but we laud these pricks destroying our nation.

18. People Who Hate Taxes

Get over it, we live in a society. Do you hog all the milk from your kids? Do you refuse to listen to your spouse? We all have to get along. As for waste, do you never throw out any spoiled milk? Do you never buy a product you don’t need? Then stop complaining about the government. Sure, we should keep fraud and waste to a minimum, but not at the cost of eliminating the program.

19. Cee Lo

For changing the words of "Imagine". Nothing’s sacred, not even the words of John Lennon. God’s got nothing to do with the success of your sports team or our armed forces and the sooner we get him out of the dialogue, the quicker our country can deal with the real problems facing it, from global warming to poverty to productivity. Go to church all you want, just stop talking about it.

20. Jerry Seinfeld

Larry David was the funny one. Stop being so smugly satisfied with your opinion. You’re not God’s gift to parenting, just a very good comedian. Stop being so holier than thou.

21. Justin Bieber

Because I’ve got to listen to all the pricks in the music business and the media say how good you are. Where are the Jonas Brothers today?

22. Groupon

There is no free lunch. It’s advertising. We’re not even gonna be talking about this company in a year. But ain’t that America, to get wrapped up in the sideshow as opposed to the real issues. These companies should have expiration dates on them, like a band. Three hits and you’re out, one year and you’re done. They shouldn’t be allowed to go public, they should be made to expire. To sell shares in Groupon is to prey on an ignorant public.

23. Trout Pout

Who said these lips look good? Not any man I know. Women get disfigured to impress their friends, it’s no different from buying a new car or a bigger house.

24. No Child Left Behind

Because it eviscerates education. Education is about inspiration. The Japanese teach by rote, look at Sony compared to Apple.

25. Android

Because there’s no plan of attack on malware. This is like going back to the invention of e-mail and shrugging your shoulders and refusing to address spam. Our whole society, from the government to individuals, is riddled with security holes. And now, just to sell advertising, Google is endorsing them. But you hate Apple and want a cheap phone. At what cost?

26. AT&T

Because their connections suck.

27. The Public

Because facts don’t matter. They don’t believe acts scalp their own tickets and won’t believe Verizon Wireless is better than AT&T. It’s like these companies are sports teams instead of inert providers. I can’t hear you now and it pisses me off!

28. People Who Insist On Talking On The Phone

If you can’t tell me in e-mail, I don’t want to know. You just want to waste my time feigning interest in my life until you pitch me what I don’t want to buy. Read #1 above once again. Time is my issue.

29. American Cars

Because despite your b.s., they still don’t last as long as those of the Japanese.

30. The Lack Of Sacrifice

We’re all NIMBYS. If it involves just a bit of sacrifice we don’t want it. Fuck the common good, I only care about myself. Huh?

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