Artists Respond

Re: Luck of the Draw 

Hi Bob,

Nice to read your comments about my song ‘Luck Of The Draw’. I actually wrote it in LA in 1990 when I was staying at what used to be called The Registry Hotel across from Universal Studios just off Lankersheim. It’s a true story. I was recording the album ‘Trick or Treat’ at the time. Gary Katz was producing. I used to stop off for a nightcap in the hotel bar before I’d turn in each night and she was always there behind the bar, going like ‘hey, don’t talk to me, I don’t really work here!’ Eventually after a few nights she opened up a bit and that’s when she said, "I’m a screenplay writer, really…’. That night I went to my room and wrote it in about twenty minutes. Bonnie Raitt came into studio the next day to sing a duet with me on the title track of my record and when we were done she said ‘have you any new songs?’ …She had already recorded another song of mine, ‘Not The Only One’. I said, well I wrote this just last night I haven’t even got around to demo-ing it yet. She said ..just sing it. So I picked up an acoustic guitar, pulled the lyrics out of my hip pocket (written on Registry Hotel stationery, I still have it) and sang the song. She said, ‘Luck Of The Draw. That sounds like an album title!’ and so it became. Glad it spoke to you.

Keep on writing your stuff! I enjoy your spirit and energy….even when I don’t entirely agree with you!

Paul Brady

Re: Spirit – "So Little Time To Fly"


I wanted to share this email with you and your readers from my friend and Spirit member, Jay Ferguson…. A true “class act.”

Bill Hall


Thanks for sending me the SPIRIT blogs & threads. Pretty amazing stuff.

You tend to forget what impact your music has on people. These are all heartfelt and touching, and are a super tribute to the guys in the band. Wish Randy and John could see them…

Thanks again.


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