
Is this Hillary’s "Arsenio" moment?

Bill Clinton rode to victory in ’92 as the candidate of the baby boomers, someone hip enough to drive a pickup and play the sax, someone who BELIEVED in Elvis as opposed to pooh-poohing him. But Bill Clinton had sex appeal.

If you’re watching TV, or reading the newspapers, you’re at least one day behind, if not COMPLETELY OUT OF THE LOOP! I started getting e-mail about this just a little after noon. And I won’t say it’s become an avalanche since, but everybody from Nic Harcourt to Lonn Friend has weighed in. This is the story of TODAY!

Isn’t it funny that POLITICIANS are more in touch with the moment than musicians. While Charlie Walk dreams up his next campaign with V Cast, the Clintons, to use the parlance of the seventies, are TAKING IT TO THE STREET! They know the power of YouTube. They know the power of the Internet. Is the tide turning and are the Republicans just one, or maybe two steps behind? Believing it’s all about religion, home and hearth, instead of the Wild West Web?

Howard Dean illustrated the power of the Internet during the last election cycle. Credit goes to the Clintons for harnessing it this early in the campaign. But although I have to give them props for MAKING this video, why is it SO FUCKING BAD?

Conception is the key to art.

But this isn’t art.

I know five year olds who act better than Hillary Clinton. As for Bill? Maybe he’s up there with eight year olds. Could they be any more wooden? At least Al Gore uses a Mac, these two appear even stiffer than HIM!

But, Bill & Hillary are smarter than David Geffen. Boy did HE play his cards wrong, fucking with them before it became clear that Obama was history. And Obama is history. He’s not only inexperienced, the Clinton organization has YEARS invested in the party, in relationships. Geffen may have bolted, but not Spielberg. And sorry David, but Steven means more than you.

Maybe if they continue this trend. A video a week. Maybe then the Clintons can overcome this non-laugher. Maybe have Larry David walk into the frame, better yet, have Will Ferrell’s landlord come in and hassle them.

The Landlord

But I wonder if they’re truly on the right track. Picking a CELINE DION SONG?

Hey Hillary, the Titanic sunk LAST CENTURY! And she’s CANADIAN TO BOOT! Classic rock was just too dangerous for you? God, "You Shook Me All Night Long" is on jukeboxes in the SOUTH TOO! Really, this is playing it just too safe.

You need a bit of edge, you’ve got to hang it out there a bit.

But Bill & Hillary (oops, did I put Bill’s name first?) are so focus-group/researched that they’re leaving their instincts behind, they’re OUT OF TOUCH WITH THE PEOPLE!

Bottom line, too many people hate Hillary Clinton. She could have used this clip to humanize herself, to show some naturalness, to leave her edgy personality behind. I was rooting for her, but I just saw that New England college girl I didn’t want to fuck.

Yup, that’s what Hillary needs to radiate, a little SEX APPEAL!

Oh, don’t call me sexist. IT WORKED FOR BILL!

And the Winner is…

P.S. But it was great to see Johnny Sack!

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