Arianna Huffington
"Hollywood is not my beat," Huffington said.
Then why did I see you at the MTV Movie Awards, schmoozing it up? Oh yes, you brought your children, but to say Hollywood is not your beat is to be duplicitous, to defend your position at all costs, to lie.
Shit, Hollywood is EVERYBODY’S beat. Even the most lonesome youngster in South Dakota knows the ins and outs of Hollywood. But Arianna Huffington, kissing the butt of every tinseltown player known to man to appear on her blog, is not savvy in the ways of the entertainment business?
Make me puke.
It’s not about the details. It’s about CHARACTER!
Why oh why does Arianna Huffington get a pass. A woman who married a gay man and switched political parties all in the desire to make herself rich and famous. This resembles "What Makes Sammy Run" more than any political story. Arianna is no different from a Hollywood player. She so desires to make it that she’ll sacrifice ANYTHING, do ANYTHING in furtherance of her mission.
So she’s smart. Give me a dumb person who’s honest any day of the week. Someone who speaks from the heart, not the brain.
Politics is show business for ugly people. And Arianna Huffington fits the paradigm. If only someone would sue her ass, take all her money and put her out of business, muzzling her so we never have to hear her locutions again. Shit, they FIRE journalists for less.
Arianna has masterfully used the media to position herself as the voice of the left on the Web. I sympathize with her political position, but she makes Matt Drudge look like a paragon of credibility. A man who ankled Fox News because he didn’t want to play its game.
Arianna ran for governor and hogged the mic. Her life is an endless game of LOOK AT ME! The only difference between her and Paris Hilton is the latter appears to be a better businesswoman. They’re both trying to put one over on the public, but at least Paris admits it, however obliquely. Whereas Arianna Huffington gets her knickers in a twist and says she’s a victim of the system, she’s only crusading for what’s right.
Hogwash. Arianna is only crusading for herself. And I wish all the stories about the Clooney brouhaha had pointed this out. Or maybe it’s that left wing journalists can’t bring up the "C" issue after their hero Bill Clinton was questioned for lack of it. Bill’s lies legitimized dishonesty in all walks of life. You say what gets you to the next square on the board, admitting your mistakes and falling on your sword are for pussies. Sure, his violation pales in comparison to those of the present Administration, but can’t someone speak the truth, can’t someone be honest, does EVERYBODY have to lie to get ahead, does NO ONE in public life have any CHARACTER? I remember the days when politicians were heroes. Ain’t that a laugh. Hell, I remember the days when MUSICIANS were heroes. Before they just sold their souls to the company man for a check.
There’s a cancer on our society, and its name is dishonesty. Until we start revering people for who they are, instead of how rich they might be or who they hang out with, we’re screwed. As John Lennon sang, "Gimme some truth, all I want is some truth."