The Election

The Insane Clown Posse came out for Harris:

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And this is important, because the perception is the Juggalos are part of Trump’s base. Uneducated, lower middle class white men.

Then again, you don’t have to be poor to like Faygo!

And I won’t say the ICP’s endorsement is more important than Taylor Swift’s, even though the mania over that, just like the mania over Harris herself, hasn’t lasted, but it is more important than Springsteen’s, even Eminem’s. You see the Boss’s audience is educated white people, who tend to vote Democratic, he may sing about the working class, but at this late date, the blue collar are more apt to follow Jason Aldean than the Boss. As for Marshall… In the ensuing decades, Mathers has been embraced by the educated elite, they now accept that his original work is satire, and Em has consistently weighed in on the left side of the political fence.

But the “Wall Street Journal” just said that Trump has taken a narrow lead:

“Trump Takes Narrow Lead Over Harris in Closing Weeks of Race – Voters remember Trump’s presidency more fondly as negative views of Harris grow”

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Meanwhile, James Carville believes Harris is going to win it all, although he’s ultimately relying on his gut:

“James Carville: Three Reasons I’m Certain Kamala Harris Will Win”

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But Nate Silver says not to trust your gut, but then he says:

“My gut says Donald Trump.”

Free link:

Meanwhile, 17 million people have already voted.

And I still believe that the race will ultimately come down to get out the vote efforts.

But why is Kamala Harris not running away with this?

It’s very simple. She’s been tarred by Biden’s record, and irrelevant of reality, many see it as negative.

And she’s still not defined.

Let’s be clear, I’m not talking about the issues here, I’m talking about her IDENTITY!

Bill Clinton played the sax on “Arsenio.”

Donald Trump manned the window at McDonald’s.

Oh, don’t get your knickers in a twist. The left and right have spun the Mickey D’s performance to their own benefit, but all I can say is Trump’s stint at the drive-thru window is completely on brand. One thing we know about Trump is he eats McDonald’s. Whereas the educated elites… They’ll go on about how horrible the outlet is, talk about nutrition, taste and…

This is the same left that refuses to adhere to medical science.

Have you been following the Ananda Lewis story?

“Former MTV VJ Ananda Lewis Says Her Cancer Has Spread After She Decided to ‘Keep My Tumor’ – The former talk show host reflected on her decision to go against her doctor’s recommendation for a mastectomy after her 2020 breast cancer diagnosis: ‘I thought I had this'”

You don’t see uneducated poor people rejecting western medicine.

In addition, Lewis graduated from Howard, Harris’s alma mater.

Now don’t e-mail me about vaccine conspiracies…that’s all political. Cancer is not. You never know, ultimately it could be, but it’s not yet. So you go to the doctor and they tell you what to do and you don’t do it? These are the same people who’ll quiz you on your diet when you’re ill. Tell you to take zinc and other over the counter medications, anything but go to the dreaded western medical doctor. And I’m not making this up, my inbox is loaded with people excoriating me and my choices for every damn illness I’ve had.

So one thing we know for sure is Harris peaked too early.

Not that this was foreseen. But the air is out of the balloon. If anything, people are defeated. And one thing is totally for sure, everybody is burned out on election news other than those involved in the business of reporting it.

So Harris was bobbing and weaving, avoiding deep questioning. I thought she could have run this to the wire, not a bad strategy in my estimation. But ultimately acceding to the wishes of the political pundit class, she’s gone on to answer the tough questions, even on Fox.

And it hasn’t moved the needle.

She just called Trump a fascist on CNN, and if you think that’s gonna earn her any votes, you already think Trump is a fascist.

Attacking Trump just ain’t gonna work. Didn’t work for Biden, who employed it as his only strategy…remember, YOU’VE GOT TO SAVE DEMOCRACY! And it’s not working for Harris.

No, the only thing that can move the needle is for people to truly get to know Harris, to understand her. Then again, the Democratic handlers are the same ones who hid Biden’s mental deterioration, one thing is for sure, they’re out of touch with the public, if not reality.

It’s no longer about issues, once again it’s about IDENTITY!

And Trump’s is crystal clear. To the point where the constant parade of horribles makes no difference.

But Harris?

Now if Harris could get out the youth vote she would probably win.

All those ads on television… Only old people watch ads on TV, and they already know who they’re going to vote for and they vote consistently.

So how do you humanize Harris for young people?

You send them in.

Harris has to invite, maybe even have a contest to find, a social media influencer to hang with her 24/7, maybe a man and a woman, but if only one, a woman.

As for contests… Isn’t this what Elon the Moron is doing seemingly every damn day?

We’ve got to get to the heart of Kamala Harris.

She’s got to spend the not quite two weeks left sleeping in regular people’s homes. Yup, in every swing state. Someone at random, she stays overnight. The cameras are there, the family gets to testify… This is reality television on steroids.

There has to be a short form documentary of Harris going to a Taylor Swift concert. Revealing backstage info that is presently unknown. STAYING FOR THE ENTIRE SHOW! EXCHANGING BRACELETS!

Don’t tell me about safety…

As for Walz, he blew it during the debate. If anything, he’s now a negative factor. Sure, he can campaign, go for it, but there’s a reason why he’s been pushed out of the spotlight… You’re a heartbeat away and you’re nervous and confused and…look like a high school student doing an oral report?

Don’t defend him. We’re way past this point.

How can we convince people that Harris is not a two-dimensional robot.

And how can we convince people she’s up to the task of running the nation, never mind an international conflict.

This is when the Ross Perot strategy comes to mind.

People love a deep dive when they’re interested.

Harris has to upload clips to YouTube with her going deep into the issues, showing her command of them.

One on the economy.

One on energy.

One on Israel.

Five minutes each. Maybe longer. Uninterrupted. Just her laying it all down.

That’s one of the things that helped Clinton, he could talk about any issue in depth, extemporaneously.

We don’t want a stiff, wooden Kamala, we want more of a Gumby Kamala.

And maybe even go on QVC. Go where the regular people are. Enough of appealing to those who have already decided to vote for her.

Today’s world is run by the internet. And it’s all about revealing your entire self, warts and all. That’s what sells, that’s what people want to see, even though the mainstream press and those who know better tell everyone to put down the smartphone and say all the influencers are a joke. BUT THEY REACH MORE PEOPLE THAN ANY NETWORK TV SHOW, NEVER MIND CNN!

You’ve got old farts running her campaign completely out of touch with the new world.

What do we know about social media influencers?

You’ve got to create content each and every day. You never know what will go viral.

Enough with the rallies. Like the attendees have not already decided to vote for her, they’re just checking her out? HOGWASH!

As for the reporting on said rallies/appearances…I’m a news junkie and I’m burned out on it.

Can Harris DJ a party in Vegas, all by her lonesome?

Can she go to a World Series game and sit through the entire thing and then opine about it after, not in a mealy-mouthed way? Say she’s a Dodger fan, or a Yankee, talk some smack. People live for this. That’s the essence of sports talk radio! We all love to argue over our favorite teams, doesn’t mean we hate those on the other side!

But it’s got to appear authentic.

That’s what Harris is missing, AUTHENTICITY!

Carville said it was about the economy, stupid! I’m telling you it’s about authenticity, stupid! You’ve got to convince people Kamala Harris is authentic, that they know who she is as a person, irrelevant of her views. And sure, you’ve got to layer in competence, but I’m going to vote for Kamala and I still don’t know who she is… If I ran into her what would I start off with? She says she’s a hip-hop fan, is she a foodie? Does she exercise? Does she lift? Does she like to gossip? Can she publish some of her iMessage threads?


It’s never too late. Isn’t that how we got here, Biden dropping out at almost the last minute?

Harris has to seize the momentum.

And you do this by breaking constructs, the rules. This carried Trump all the way to the White House once.

And if you don’t want to see him there again…

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