Kid Rock Exchange

From: Kid Rock
Subject: Re: Another Vail Tale
To: Bob Lefsetz

Yo, anybody scalping ski or airline tickets, eating up the good seats with there computers first so they can re sell them?? – no, u can’t do it….why can u do it with music….? Whole different ballgame, you out of all people outta know this! Everything doesn’t always relate to concerts and music buddy! Just my 2 cents after a bottle of wine, skimmed thru yer email, so if u explained this, cool! Happy Screw Year!
Kid Rock

From: Bob Lefsetz
Subject: Re: Another Vail Tale
To: Kid Rock

Ah, everything does!

Airlines require ID.

The scalpers fight this with concerts.

Do you know Nathan Hubbard at Ticketmaster?  If not, you should, he’s on your team!

Have a good New Year’s Eve, haven’t seen you for a while!


From: Kid Rock
Subject: Re: Another Vail Tale
To: Bob Lefsetz

I just did a 12 city club tour and gave away 400k (divided in each city) and got scalped to death! I even made fans pick up there tix at will call day of in some cities and scalpers still won! I’m at the point where I’m gonna say "fuck it" to my fans and start scalping myself….can’t beat em, join em….but at least be honest! Kinda like fuckin groupies…"Hey baby, this aint about love, I will never treat u like I don’t care, but we aint dating either!!! Ha…hittin telluride in march, love skiing, have fun on the slopes!! Happy new year.
Kid Rock

From: Kid Rock
Subject: Re: Another Vail Tale
To: Bob Lefsetz

Ps, I get it…I slashed my t shirst from 40 bucks to 25 and have been selling twice as many, makin the same per cap….even got rapino to slash beer prices in dallas, and that worked too….let’s talk soon an i’ll fill ya in….I’m determined too figure this out, cuz I don’t know how to lose nor cheat.
Kid Rock

From: Bob Lefsetz
Subject: Re: Another Vail Tale
To: Kid Rock

Can I reprint?


From: Bob Lefsetz
Subject: Re: Another Vail Tale
To: Kid Rock

Can I reprint?


From: Bob Lefsetz
Subject: Re: Another Vail Tale
To: Kid Rock

Just got back from Vail and the snow SUCKED!
Hopefully it’ll snow by March… Ha!

All the snow’s in Europe.  You can go there, you’re big there now!

And I guess i should have just printed your e-mail without asking. Still may…  Ha!

From: Kid Rock
Subject: Re: Another Vail Tale
To: Bob Lefsetz

EUROPE? yuck, im big in Kentucky! – Headed to my property in Alabama too shoot doves wit Hank and Jamey J….much more fun! I know how the email game works, unless your asked not to print, theres always a chance my drunk texts will end up on front street…I got nothin to hide, I’ve said way more stupid things public, haha…PS i’ve been spending alot of time w Dan from the Black Keys in Nashville, super cool kid, very, very talented and fun to hang with-fyi. Rock on.
Robert Ritchie

P.S. I asked Kid Rock’s permission because I felt he might be uncomfortable releasing information re actual numbers and arrangements with Rapino. Good to know he doesn’t mind and knows everything is on the record unless he says so. If only other stars were just this transparent. This is why people like Kid Rock, they believe he’s real. And this is probably why people hate Kid Rock, because he’s not sanitized for consumption. If you don’t cause a strong reaction in people, either love or hate, you’re gonna have a very short career path, one dependent on hits if you can get them, with tepid ticket sales. The money’s in the tickets, not the saturation TV exposure. Withholding and manipulation of the media is for movie stars, not music stars. Movie stars are two-dimensional, playing a role. Whereas rock stars embody their work, they’ve got personalities, they’ve got something to say, they stir emotions, they’re positively three-dimensional.

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