Perez Hilton Presents
My first instinct is people go to see bands. And this tour will succeed or fail based on the talent lineup.
Then I thought of today’s article in the L.A. "Times" about Perez, and his reach in the twentysomething demo, and I said to myself, AT LEAST EVERYBODY WILL KNOW ABOUT IT!
Ever find out a band you like played your city last night?
Happens all the time. I go to a show and get e-mail saying REALLY? If only I’d known, I’d have gone.
I think Perez is out of his depth here, I think he’s spreading himself too thin, but that’s what happens when you’ve got success, you feel superior, unbeatable, that you know and everybody else doesn’t.
Until you fail and the world passes you by, and pisses on you in the process.
If concerts were so easy to book and tour, we’d have more promoters, not fewer. And if sponsors made a difference, you’d be able to sell tickets without announcing who was playing.
But that’s the WARPED Tour, with over a decade on the road.
I don’t think it’s wrong that Perez is doing this, but just because the mainstream media seems to have caught on to the guy, needing someone to trumpet, that does not mean everything he touches will turn to gold.
Just wait until one of the acts on his label fizzles.
Oh, he’ll get a jump up, because he’ll trumpet them to high heaven on his blog, but tastemakers will be out to get him, and the Top Forty acts Perez champions can’t make it on their own, they need radio and the media to play along, and too many of these players hate Perez and want to see him fail.
Give Perez credit… He built it all, by himself. He’s the model of a new band. But, if you’re creating a band, you’ve got to worry about your credibility, you’ve got to be wary of overexposure, you’ve got to be able to say no as well as yes. Otherwise, you’re an overnight sensation with no fans. And fans are everything.
Perez sells gossip. He thinks he’s got fans, but very few people love the man, they just want the dirt. As long as he’s selling dirt, he’s okay. But now that he’s extending the brand (another Website?), I’m worried he’s heading for a breakdown. If Google can only fund one truly profitable business, what are the odds that Perez can create multiple ones?
But this tireless self-promoter presently has the public’s ear. And therefore, the public, his public, knows about this tour.
If he goes along, if he brings GaGa, if he has a retinue full of the stars he lampoons on his site come and do meet and greets, he’ll break the bank. But if it’s just Perez, introducing some up and coming acts, there will be few takers, enough to fill clubs, maybe small halls, but the lack of buzz will kill the endeavor. If you’re at Perez’s level, you’ve got to go big, or don’t go at all.
Is he an entrepreneur or a personality? It’s almost impossible to be both, especially when he’s spread so thin. And it’s already more than a full time job keeping up with his blog, which fuels all his endeavors.
But pay attention. Perez may be headed for a fall, but he’s one step ahead of you. He don’t need no record company, no Rupert Murdoch, he didn’t need corporate cash to get started. And once he made a splash, all these corporations have been eager to throw money at him.
Create a site featuring your music, stop whining that life is hard and no one will pay you. If you’re truly great, or innovative, or dangerous, you’ll leave a mark.
For how long, I don’t know.
But Perez has already gotten a longer ride than most of the acts he writes about. He knows it’s about fresh info not only every day, but multiple times a day. No one cares about Eminem, he dropped an album months ago, did a stunt with "Bruno" and it was over.
What if Em had put out one single a week? What if he’d created weekly buzz? Then we might be talking about him.
And it’s not only Em… There’s no buzz on U2, hell, there’s no buzz on Coldplay. Years ago, the radio and "Rolling Stone" would keep the buzz alive. But people have tuned radio out, and the blogosphere is where you get your music information today.
It’s a fast moving world.
Hell, it’s a mixed-up, muddled up, shook up world. And if you want to know what’s going on, don’t go to lunch with your buds, don’t get together with the usual suspects, go online. Fire up your browser and see what’s happening. And know that he who has eyeballs has power.
Funny that no label has a site with any traction. They just don’t get it. But that’s good, RIGHT?