E-Mail Of The Day

From: Steve Baker
Date: May 15, 2009 9:32:05 AM PDT
To: Bob Lefsetz
Subject: Re: You’ve Got To Read This…

Hey Bob,

You’re not falling for this, surely?

You know the PRS (who collect on behalf of the publishers) are just making their stake to say P2P is broadcasting and not copying… right?

Their so called ‘study’ (how do you study something that is hidden? not by going to popular P2P sites that’s for sure) is designed to prove what? That popular music is… popular? That the most popular downloads correlate with the most popular artists? Give that man a cigar!

This is just a PR land grab. It’s publishers vs labels and the gloves are coming off.

"Page says that once the nature of the digital market is understood, we can build businesses that reward composers and songwriters" – not the copyright owners of the recording then?

I have to declare an interest. I would be personally enriched if the PRS were dominant in the rush for licensing rights over this new territory (vive la France!) but I just can’t stand this ‘research as fact’ bollocks.


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