Me On Iceberg Radio
You’ve got to hang in with this one, get past my initial discomfort and the nasality of my sick body until I get into the groove. Then I address my perspective on Arcade Fire and Bruce Lundvall, as well as reveal some personal philosophies and secrets.
Really, I was uncomfortable listening to this at first. Maybe because it was me, and who wants to listen to himself. And I guess doing it in my hotel room at the Royal York it was hard to envision people actually listening, unlike sitting in a TV soundstage in front of a live audience. But I get in my groove here, and if you want to know who I am and where I’m coming from, this will give you a good idea.
It’s long. It’s not required listening. But unlike most modern art, which gets worse as it goes on, where it’s all premise and no execution, this gets better.
Note: Mac users. Once again, you must install Flip4Mac to hear this. Go to this page to get it, if you don’t have it already: Flip4Mac WMV Download Center. After you download and install Flip4Mac you can trash the gold box icon on your desktop. And, AFTER you install Flip4Mac, you must quit and then relaunch both your browser and QuickTime in order for it to work.