This Week’s Podcast – Baby Seat

In the late sixties the definition of a hit started to change. It was no longer about a snappy track that could be played on AM Top Forty but something that exuded sheer QUALITY! To the point where the Doors’ "The End" could be considered a hit. At eleven minutes and with no constantly returning chorus.

But the rewind switch was hit in the early eighties, after AOR bloated and capitulated, MTV rose like a phoenix and Top Forty reappeared on the FM dial. So, once again, if a track wasn’t short, and snappy, and SOLD, it couldn’t be considered a hit.

Yet, still, there are cuts on albums that resonate just as much, if not MORE, than those individual tracks worked so hard by the labels as singles. Personal favorites. That you can listen to ENDLESSLY! These are MY hits, and today I want to make you aware of one, Barenaked Ladies’ "Baby Seat".

Yes, I focus on this song and this song only on the Rhinocast this week. I point out not only the hooky chorus, but the thinking man lyrics that resonate. I’m sure EVERY member of BNL knows that you install the baby seat BACKWARDS, unlike that uneducated twit Britney Spears.

Rather than repeat every single thing I say in the podcast, I want you to go to the Rhinocast and listen. Ultimately not to hear me rant, but to be exposed to the GREATNESS!

Don’t pre-judge. I HATE the single off this album, "Pinch Me". In today’s one track world one never gets to hear the gems deeper in the disc unless one is a bona fide FAN! Which is kind of stupid if you think about it, since it’s these album tracks that MAKE us fans.

You can subscribe to the Rhinocast by searching on "lefsetz" in the iTunes Music Store. Or you can go directly to the Rhino site and listen/take it/download it there,, hold down the "control" key to download on a Mac.

This is a read-only blog. E-mail comments directly to Bob.