Major Label Madness

We’re being duped.  The RIAA keeps saying it’s saving the MUSIC when really
all its label members are interested in is saving THEMSELVES!

It’s out of control.  Irrelevant of the Grokster decision.  These billion
dollar companies with their high-priced lobbyists have infected the media and the
minds of the public to the detriment of ART!  What’s worse, they’ve convinced
the musicians signed to their labels of the validity of their position, which
is equivalent to slaves standing up for plantation owners.

I don’t know about you, but I believe in MUSIC, not LABELS!

Look at what’s happening in the radio sphere.  Terrestrial’s tanking.  Both
in value and listenership.  But, when the station owners lobby for further
curtailing of satellite radio, when they carp and complain, we LAUGH!  Because
we’ve lived through Clear Channelization.  We’ve actually LISTENED to the radio. 
So, why is it that the LABELS get a pass?  Do we have to wait, under the
mirage of getting musicians paid, until they eviscerate all new models of music
distribution?  Because that’s what they’re trying to do.  The labels carp all
day long about P2P, about burning.  Instead of looking at the MOTIVATION,
they’re just looking at the COST!  Most products in the marketplace people don’t
want AT ANY PRICE!  You can’t GIVE THEM AWAY!  But, people love music so much,
they’re willing to infect their computers with spyware, they’re willing to spend
hours, just to GET IT!  Do you really think the only reason they want it is
because it’s free?  And if an appropriate price was charged demand would dry
up?  NO, if a fair toll was exacted, people would pay for online music, and the
market would burgeon.  But, concomitant with this musicians would only need
major labels if they wanted to be the new Britney, since they could get paid in
the new system, they wouldn’t need the major label as

So, even though the majors would make a ton more if they AUTHORIZED new
distribution models, they’re stifling them.  For fear of losing market share.  And
Don Henley and the other apologists take their position, even though these
artists are being raped by the labels themselves, which don’t pay the proper
royalties on time and want to pay the same percentage for online distribution as
for physical, even though there are no manufacturing and essentially no
distribution costs.

This is about money, not art.  This is about corporations bullying Americans
using tools the public can’t afford to keep the truth from becoming well
known.  HISTORY is contrary to the labels’ position, but in this topsy-turvy world
we live in ensuring that the past reigns is somehow seen as GOOD!  I mean the
labels would have threatened Gutenberg into submission and labeled Eli Whitney
a traitor to cotton-pickers.  I mean this befits a nation that no longer
believes in science, that doesn’t believe global warming has been proven.  Let’s
stop all progress RIGHT NOW to benefit a handful.

New models would pay huge dividends to old copyright holders.  But, their
future dominance would not be ensured.  They’d have to think, strategize, EXECUTE
rather than sit back and rake it in.  The major labels are Smith Corona, they
don’t want the personal computer to gain a toehold, for fear their typewriter
business will be EVISCERATED!

Music is something created by PEOPLE, not corporations.  MUSIC will survive
whatever happens in the Supreme Court, whatever bullshit story the major labels
foist upon us.  But, will the populace be exposed to this music?  Will they
get a chance to be enriched by melodies not authorized by men in three thousand
dollar suits who are more worried about whether the "singer" is cute enough
to be on TV than whether the track sends the listener on a mental journey? 
THAT’S the question.  We’re not fighting over who’s getting paid, we’re fighting
over the distribution of one of life’s major forces to the broadest segment of
the public possible.

Please take off your blinders.  The goal of the major labels is not to enrich
your life, is not to get the most music in the hands of the most people. 
Rather, the labels are just interested in making money, and controlling a future
wherein this continues to happen.

Music has a right to exist forevermore.  Sony BMG, Warner, EMI and Universal
do not.

This is a read-only blog. E-mail comments directly to Bob.