Limp Play

Fred Durst once reprinted something I wrote on the Limp Bizkit Website. I
hope he didn’t decide to release his band’s latest album sans hype/marketing
because of what I wrote about Queens Of The Stone Age.
You can’t change who you are in the middle of the game.

I was discussing the new Coldplay album with Roger Ames. Talking about the
reception of the single, the way EMI pegged its financial fortunes on "X & Y"
and the Gorillaz record. And Roger said, you can only sell that many millions
of albums slowly ONCE! You can only sneak up on people ONCE! Then, you’re
established, an established artist has to sell his albums FAST!

Fred Durst is under the illusion that his fate is tied up with his image.
But, that’s not true. Limp Bizkit’s success always depended on its MUSIC! Its
first album was kind of lame, but touring, especially with Korn on the Family
Values Tour, exposed his band’s competence and earnestness to a vast swath of
the public. (Don’t forget, we didn’t think Fred was an arrogant asshole until
after he MADE IT, at least not the man on the street.) Such that when the
band actually released a palatable record, a PLAYABLE record, a marginally
cutting edge record, yes, rap-rock was new once, it broke THROUGH!

And then Fred became a star. And then, he and his band crossed the line by
promoting the "Chocolate Starfish" album with the help of Napster. The OLD
Napster. The one the record companies reviled. A cheap shot, but it didn’t play
badly in public. FURTHERMORE, let’s not forget that Limp made it as a result
of vast expenditures of money to begin with. Didn’t Jimmy BUY airplay for
them in the Northwest?

But then Wes Borland left the band. Yes, Fred was the band’s image. And,
his vocals and lyrics were important, but first and foremost you listen to the
MUSIC! And, despite a ton of hype, the public just didn’t react, didn’t fall
in love with the new Borlandless Bizkit. The fact that Fred went on to stalk
every nubile celebrity, have his naked ass all over the Web, that was all SECOND
ARY to the fact that the band just wasn’t the same.

Wes Borland found out what Mick Taylor did, but MUCH earlier. That he
couldn’t make it alone. So, Wes rejoined Limp Bizkit. And what does Fred do?
Release their product, their COMEBACK record, as if it’s a new, developing band.

Hate to tell you Fred, but most of your listeners were NEVER hip. They were
followers. How in the hell were they supposed to FIND OUT about your new
record, it’s not like they’re combing the Web looking for it! As for all the
insiders coming down on you, for the length of your record, for your image, that’s
just sour grapes, people are just piling on. Yes, rap-rock is past its peak,
but you were one of its true LEADERS! And it’s the leaders who tend to
survive. I mean meet the audience halfway. Act like a star band, selling middle
of the road meat and potatoes stuff. I mean now you’re going to become an ART
BAND? Making it on your CREDIBILITY? You’ve got almost NO credibility. What
Limp Bizkit has is a franchise, a famous name, that people know, release
reasonable music, not even great stuff, and people will buy it. Look to your old
flame Britney for instruction, her first hit was her best, nothing she’s done
since has ever come close, and despite the shambles her personal life became,
her mediocre trendy music STILL sold!

Queens Of The Stone Age has never made it. They’re cool, credible. To the
point where the band’s fans can spread the word. And, if the album were
perceived to be a bit better, it could be the new "Rush Of Blood To The Head". But,
if Queens Of The Stone Age wanted to break the Coldplay mold, it could never
play the Super Bowl, never a big festival, couldn’t sing the national anthem,
it would have to monitor and maintain its underground status. Of course, this
decreases overall sales, but it pays dividends with a lengthened career,
assuming, of course, you continue to make reasonable music. Coldplay embraced its newfound star status. Liked being the new biggest band in the world. To the
point where there’s a backlash. The negativity about Queens Of The Stone Age
is underground, even slightly disappointed fans don’t want to spread negative
thoughts, they owe an allegiance to Josh Homme, they still believe in him.
Whereas people hate the smug Chris Martin, for his lame photogenic wife, for
the name of his baby, for the band’s coordinated outfits, for his
self-confidence, for his taking his music so seriously.
Now, if the music is good enough, ALL of the foregoing doesn’t matter.
I mean who really IS Chris Martin, and are you gonna get to meet him ANYWAY??

So, the insiders are beating up everybody who’s played the game in a major
league way and won, gone on their victory lap tour. They’re public property
now. And, they’ve got to adjust and play accordingly, which is to the VERY LAST
ROW! The only way to do it small is if you never made it and never took
advantage of the success options to begin with.

Fred Durst. Unless you’ve got another album in the pipeline right away, hype
the SHIT out of this one. It’s not too late. Oh, don’t listen to the
insiders who talk about disappointing retail numbers. MTV owes you, lean on them
for your quid pro quo. Get a video on the air. Do some underground BUZZ shows
(low attendance, high PUBLICITY!), play a major tour, come BACK before you’re
completely gone. Oh, the insiders want you forgotten, but hate to tell you,
the insiders DON’T BUY YOUR RECORDS, never did. And, if the records the
insiders championed and purchased sold in high volume the Top 200 would look

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