Archive for 2017/06

Jimmy Iovine On Howard Stern

We love the dirt, and there isn’t any. This reminds me of nothing so much as David Geffen’s “American Masters,” which he paid for, it’s a tribute to his accomplishments, but it didn’t reveal who he really was. And Jimmy Iovine did not reveal who he truly was on Stern. I’m not saying he didn’t […]

Masters Of Scale

“Release, observe, react” That’s what Reid Hoffman says in his podcast with Mark Zuckerberg. MARK ZUCKERBERG? He’s more inaccessible than a rock star, harder to hear in an uncontrolled environment than our President, just to hear him talk normally, off guard, telling his tale, is a thrill. We’re long in the tooth in the tech […]

Katy Perry’s Failure

She appealed to all the people who didn’t care. Her biggest album was “Teenage Dream,” and now she’s targeting oldsters who never cared in the straight media. It’s like she’s still living in the last century, in the pre-internet era, when there were limited outlets and fans were thrilled to see their heroes in mainstream […]

A Modern Star

GRAVITAS Take yourself seriously, or no one else will. Have something to say. Mean it. People want someone to believe in, and if you’re frivolous and wishy-washy you’ll get little blowback but you’ll never ascend to the pinnacle. We live in dangerous times and we’re looking for leaders. Not everybody will agree with you, but […]