Archive for 2016/06

All Hell Breaks Loose

“Bedlam Erupts In House Floor Standoff Over Gun Control” Looks a lot like Napster, dontcha think? Oh, the history of that file-trading service has been rewritten. Almost two decades later it’s seen as techies running roughshod over institutions, a free for all with free music for everybody. But the truth is its success was evidence […]

Mass Is Everything

And niche is nowhere. Ever since that misguided book “The Long Tail” came out everyone with a keyboard believes they’re entitled to an audience and compensation online. This is patently untrue. Ironically, as more people got access, broadband prospered and mobile reigned the scene started to resemble our nation at large, one of haves and […]

Playlists, Not Radio

Radio is killing the music business. Alta kachers and record labels pay fealty to this antiquated medium to their detriment. In an on demand society where the playlist is king the business keeps focusing on getting airplay and there are not enough slots and not enough people listening. It’s like they’re coal miners fighting for […]

Making It

How rich is Donald Trump? One of the first rules of Hollywood is to ditch modesty, whether true or false. In a land where no CV is necessary, where hustlers reign and people lie about their educations if they went to college at all, he or she who doesn’t say they’re the best ever is […]