Archive for 2016/03

Springsteen At The Sports Arena

I was there the first time around, for “The River” tour at the Sports Arena, back in ’81, I went with my friend Robin who liked me and had huge boobs but who I just couldn’t touch. I’d just stopped living with my live-in girlfriend. And I coped by going to UCLA Extension, where I […]

John Oliver Wins The Online Derby

Talk about paying your dues… John Oliver was a second, maybe a third banana on the “Daily Show” until he replaced Jon Stewart when the host was on a hiatus and ended up with his own half hour program on HBO on Sunday night. This is contrary to the music business, where youth rules and […]


Don’t take no for an answer. But when their product is in the marketplace to no acclaim, to little adoption, they pivot. He who is invested in the present will get lost in the future. Founders remember when they were broke, what it took to gain traction, managers can do only thus. Which is why […]


Enterprise topples when it does its job too well. And right now the major labels are doing an exceptional job, especially for themselves. Forget the old turn of the century construct, that the labels were doomed because of the internet. Turned out when chaos reigns he with the most infrastructure and relationships wins. If you’re […]