Archive for 2014/09

Too Much Of Everything

Now, too much of nothing Can make a man feel ill at ease “Too Much Of Nothing” Bob Dylan But it’s nothing compared to too much of everything. I remember going to college where there was one snowy television station, one lame college radio outlet and one movie theatre, never mind no internet or cell […]

Thom Yorke’s BitTorrent Album

The enemy is obscurity. Atoms For Peace didn’t do so well the second time around, what makes Thom Yorke think people are waiting for his new solo album, never mind interested in paying for it? There seems to be a canard amongst the creative class that the world is against them, that the digerati/techies want […]

Rhinofy-Palookaville Primer

You’re not gonna listen to this record. But it’s the best Todd Rundgren album you’ve never heard. That’s the scourge of the Internet, of the modern era, we’ve got so much information at our fingertips that we don’t bother to partake, hell, some people forward links without listening or reading what they’re sending on! So […]


1. If you’ve got a contract and you’re using an aged handset, the joke’s on you. Built into every cellphone contract is payment for the device. Just like there’s no such thing as a free lunch, there’s no such thing as a free cellphone. Get a new one every two years. And now, if you’re […]