Archive for 2013/05


They’re looking for a few good men…and women. Geiger told me he went to New Orleans, to speak at a convention of music educators. Why? Because he wanted their best and brightest, he wanted the cream of the crop to come work for him at WME. No, Geiger doesn’t make the decision. He’ll pass people […]

London City Airport

I’ve got time to kill, Catskill, June in July…so I figured I’d check in. Just went through security. They’ve got a great system with the trays. You know, the bins you put your wares into to be scanned. You see there’s a return path, like at the grocery store, or the way it used to […]

Rhinofy-Top Ten-May 11, 1968

1. “Honey” Bobby Goldsboro I HATE this song! So wimpy, I had to endure it endlessly in the pre-FM car radio days. And when FM finally hit cars, it was really spotty. Sometimes we had to tune in the AM band just to get reception. Now in ’68, I was fully an album guy, my […]


It’s still light out! I don’t know what time it is there, but it’s ten after nine here, eleven now, and the sun still hasn’t set… I don’t know if it’ll ever set, when I slept at Richard’s house three years back during the summer solstice it was like that Al Pacino movie set in […]