Archive for 2010/11

Rae Spoon

Re: Todd Alsup I see your gay soul/jazz singer (actually a poorer version of the terrific but not yet Lefsetz-stamped Mayer Hawthorne), and I raise you a transgendered/queer songwriter from Calgary, now a man known as Rae Spoon, who blew my mind tonight in Ottawa, seeing him live for the first time. Rae Spoon There […]

Todd Alsup

Something’s wrong here.  Because this guy is good! I got this e-mail: From: Ben SheehanSubject: RE: Billy Joel On Howard Stern I saw Todd Alsup last week, and I’ve never felt this way about a triple threat since Billy Joel. Read between the lines on this one — it could be this generation’s political anthem. […]


Felice wants an Equus. We’re sitting around the table at dinner, shooting the shit, and Stephen starts complaining that his Smart Car is just too anemic, he puts the pedal to the metal and nothing happens for seconds, he’s got to buy something new.  Therein, the great L.A. car debate is engendered. Felice drives a […]

Smodcastle Redux, Starf***ing Edition

At least that’s what Kevin Smith called it.  The inaugural Starfucking Smodcast, with Amanda Palmer and Neil Gaiman. What does it take to make it? Tons of effort.  And a dream. Kevin Smith is such a good interviewer, he makes me feel inadequate.  Not only can he ask the questions we want the answers to, […]