Archive for 2008/06

Sales Arcs

You can have a big debut, then what? Used to be the album drop date was the beginning. Now it’s more like the end. You’ve fired up all your publicity, you’ve got the fans at a fevered pitch, they buy the album the week it comes out and then? You’ve got to have more radio […]

Enemies List

1. Doug Morris Despite the aegis of caring about music and consumers he’s an ignorant old man who is single-handedly holding back the monetization of recorded music online. No one who sues his own customers can give a shit about them. That’s like killing slaves for their own good. And, believe me, RIAA policy is […]

Inspired By George

Leave your dog at home. When I see you in an office building, cradling your puppy, I don’t reflect on how cute he is, but what an incredible loser you are. That you can’t leave home without your accoutrement. The four-legged creature is no different from a cigarette or a cell phone. It’s a way […]

Saving The Music Business

Want to save the music business? Manage a band. Nurture talent. Do everything in your power to get it exposed. Don’t sit in front of your computer dreaming of new schemes of distribution… You’ll never get the rights! Talent. That’s where the business is focused today. Kind of funny if you think about it, because […]